This is a reminder that this Wednesday the 19th is our Early Release. School is out at 3:10 and buses will run at 3:15 p.m. Staff will meet together for professional development. If you have any questions, please contact the school.
1 day ago, Kayla Flores
There is now LESS than one month to recognize an amazing teacher or staff member at your school for a Crystal Apple Award!! The Nomination Deadline is April 1, 2025. Anyone can nominate. Nominate someone now: ¡¡Queda MENOS de un mes para nominar a un maestro o miembro del personal en su escuela para recibir el Premio de la Manzana de Cristal!! La fecha límite de nominación es el 1 de abril de 2025. Cualquier persona puede nominar a alguien. Nomine a alguien ahora:
4 days ago, North Powder School District
Crystal Apple Awards - Now Accepting Nominations
March is National Women’s History Month. This month is a celebration of the women who have made contributions to history, culture and society. We thank all women for making a difference! Curious about how Women’s History Month came to be? Find out now: Marzo es el Mes Nacional de la Historia de la Mujer. Este mes es una celebración de las mujeres que han hecho contribuciones a la historia, la cultura y la sociedad. ¡Agradecemos a todas las mujeres por marcar la diferencia! ¿Tienes curiosidad sobre cómo surgió el Mes de la Historia de la Mujer? Descúbrelo ahora:
12 days ago, North Powder School District
March is Women's History Month
Hello families. This is a program that has been occurring for a few years. Please check out the different opportunities available to your student. If your student needs anything to make this internship work, please reach out to Mrs. Smith. There are people available to assist.
13 days ago, Molly Smith
Our school district is seeking nominations for the 2025 Crystal Apple Awards. These annual awards recognize district employees who are going the extra mile! Any district employee is eligible – teachers, paraeducators, office staff, cafeteria staff, etc. Anyone can nominate at this link: DEADLINE to nominate is April 1, 2025.
15 days ago, Molly Smith
Crystal Apple Awards
Absenteeism is a lost opportunity for student learning and overall development. Coming to school as often as possible helps them maintain relationships, build communication skills, and other useful capabilities they will use in their futures. If you have questions about keeping students home due to illness, consult the Health Guidance Handout:
16 days ago, North Powder School District
Photo of an adult woman and young girl sitting across from a another adult woman. They appear to be in conversation. There is text above them. It says "Families are essential partners in addressing Chronic Absence"
Each March, we celebrate Music in Our Schools Month, and there are some amazing people that make up the music programs in our school. The North Powder School District would like to thank you for all your hard work. You may not know this, but music education in schools helps students develop critical thinking skills, confidence, social and emotional skills; as well as deepening their connection with the school environment. #MIOSM Cada marzose celebra el Mes de la Música en Nuestras Escuelas y tenemos algunas personas increíbles que participan en los programas de música de nuestra escuela. Queremos dar las gracias por su dedicación. Los programas de música en las escuelas pueden ayudar a los estudiantes a desarrollar habilidades de pensamiento crítico, con su confianza y habilidades sociales y emocionales; y también ayudan a profundizar la conexión del estudiante con su escuela. #MIOSM
17 days ago, North Powder School District
We have six senior students taking part in the American Exchange Program. On Tuesday, March 4th, our students will learn where they are headed this summer for this great opportunity. This is a new program that North Powder is lucky to be a part of. This adventure for our seniors is free to them, and we cannot wait to hear about their trip. Here is a short video to learn more about this program.
18 days ago, Molly Smith
Join us for a fun event for Pre-K through 5th grade families - the math and literacy night. This will be different than the last one, with new games and prizes. If you are planning on joining your child, please let your child's teacher know. The event is scheduled for Tuesday, March 4th from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. We look forward to seeing you there!
18 days ago, Molly Smith
literacy night
Friday School will occur this Friday, February 28th from 8:00 a.m. until noon in Mrs. Cox's classroom. This is for 6th graders on up and is a time to receive extra assistance from a teacher. If your child is failing, has a low grade, or missing assignments, this is a great opportunity for them to come in. Please call the school if you have any questions.
22 days ago, Kayla Flores
This is a reminder that this Wednesday the 19th is our Early Release. School is out at 3:10 and buses will run at 3:15 p.m. Staff will meet together for professional development. If you have any questions, please contact the school.
29 days ago, Kayla Flores
Check out the flyer.
29 days ago, Molly Smith
The North Powder School District has the following positions open for the 2025-2026 school year. If you are interested please let me or Mrs. Smith know. Thank you. Middle School Multiple Subject Teacher Middle/High School ELA Teacher High School Volleyball Coach Asst. High School Volleyball Coach
30 days ago, Desi McGinn
Come join our amazing team. We have a few openings for next school year. Please see the flyer on our school website or social media pages, or via email. Go Badgers!
about 1 month ago, Molly Smith
Tomorrow is the final call for pop tabs! If your student has pop tabs to bring in, they need to be brought to Ms. Culley in the 5th grade classroom.
about 1 month ago, Kayla Flores
This is just a reminder that halibut feed tickets are now on sale. If you know a female high school athlete, please reach out to them for tickets. If not, please call the office at 541-898-2244 ext. 8821. Tickets are $30 a meal, and there are different time sessions available. Check out the flyer on our social media pages or website. Thank you for supporting this amazing fundraiser.
about 1 month ago, Molly Smith
halibut feed
Crystal Apple Award Nominations opened on February 1. They are being accepted until April 1st, and we’re not fooling around! If you know of any teachers/staff in your District who go the extra mile, be sure to nominate them for a Crystal Apple Award today. Nominaciones para el premio Manzana de Cristal abierto el 1 de febrero. Ellos estan siendo aceptados hasta el 1 de abril, ¡y no es broma! Si conoces a algún maestro/a en tu distrito que se esfuerce al máximo, asegúrate de nominarlo para un premio de manzana de Cristal hoy mismo. Nomination form will be available on this page:
about 1 month ago, North Powder School District
Crystal Apple Educator Awards: Nomination Accepted through April 1st, 2025
Powder Valley varsity girls basketball will be playing Union at 4:00 Saturday February 8, 2025 at Powder.
about 1 month ago, Brad Dunten
Due to weather and mountain driving conditions, the Middle School Winter Blast Basketball Tournament has been canceled.
about 1 month ago, Brad Dunten
Career and Technical Education Month (CTE Month) is a public awareness campaign that takes place each February to celebrate the value of CTE and the achievements and accomplishments of CTE programs across the country. El Mes de la Educación Profesional y Técnica (CTE Month) es una campaña de concientización pública que se lleva a cabo cada febrero para celebrar el valor de la CTE y los logros y realizaciones de los programas de CTE en todo el país.
about 1 month ago, North Powder School District
February is Career & Technical Education Month!